domenica 7 gennaio 2024

NYR Resolution

Rent to me the top floor

of your house.

I'll painting it.

I'll hoover it


I'll keep it clean and tidy.

I'll move stuff around 

and place books 


in a certain order. 

In the afternoon I'll make some teas, 

eventually I'll bake some biscuits 

or a cake

or a tarte. 

I'll check the post box daily. 

I'll be back early every evening 

and I won't be drinking as much as I am now

I swear 

I'll be clean. 

I'll water the plants. 

I'll bring flowers to church. 

I'll clean the doorway and get some food from freshly dairy to keep the fredge always full. 

I'll go to the market on Saturday morning. 

I won't be ironing though 

But hey, that's not an issue. 

Send me photos. 

We'll make changings. 

I promise. 

Oh shit

These promises 

Would I be obliged to 

God I don't know. 

That would be my intention. 

That's my thought now. 

I wish. 

Am dieng to make it happen. 

Send me photos. 

And rent to me that floor

The top floor. 

Yes, the one with no ceiling

I'll painting it. 

Call me. 


NYR Resolution Jan 24

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